
Welcome to “Poetry, Prose and Beyond”. Some of you are old friends, having been with us for up to 18 years, as together we have traveled on one of four private list-serves, daily and faithfully enjoying messages of Inspiration, that have opened our hearts and minds to the Beauty and Joy of the vast world of Nature, and to tolerance and peace toward all, no matter one’s religious beliefs, Spiritual traditions, gender, race or culture.

Yet whether you are an old friend or new, this website celebrates the publication of In Wisdom’s Light, A Message of Peace for All People, Vol. I. It is a collection of many of the daily poems, prose and photos that have been posted over these years. Now they are all together in this first volume, and able to be easily carried, reflected upon, and shared with family and friends.

Here is the front cover:

In Wisdom’s Light, a Message of Peace for All People, Vol. I.

It is hard to believe that 18 years have passed since work on  In Wisdom’s Light was begun. Yet here it is, and very exciting it is, too! It is now available on Amazon, in a Full Color or Black and White paperback, and also in full color on Kindle. If you look to the top of the Full Color version you will see, “Look Inside”. Then you can view the first 50 pages.

There are three Volumes of In Wisdom’s Light currently in the works. Volumes II and III will include more poems and prose, as well as some very interesting ancient and modern teaching stories from the world’s spiritual traditions. We will also hear more healing words from the ancient and modern teachers, leaders and poets whose lives bless our own with a vision of love and beauty, as they impart how we can work together to achieve a peaceful world.

If you are among those familiar with this body of work, or if you are brand new, I hope you will enjoy sharing these daily offerings with your family and friends. Let us hear your own respectful thoughts in the comments. Together we can make a few new friends, forge new paths, as we remember the common ground we share–with each other, and the Supreme Source that Creates All.

We look forward to hearing from you… for all who have warm, open hearts are welcome here.

all the best,
